Journal Papers
55. Nicholas P. Schnoor, Ryan C. Niemeier, Aaron L. Woods, and Jeremy D. Rogers, "Calibration of liquid crystal variable retarders using a common-path interferometer and fit of a closed-form expression for the retardance curve," Appl. Opt. 59, 10673-10679 (2020).
54. Ryan Niemeier, Zach Simmons, and Jeremy Rogers*, "Noise reduction in supercontinuum sources for OCT bysingle-pulse spectral normalization," Applied Optics, Vol. 59 No. 18 (2020).
51. | link | R. Niemeier and J. D. Rogers, "Low-cost reflective Hilger–Chance refractometer used to determine Sellmeier coefficients of bulk polydimethylsiloxane," Appl. Opt. 58, 6152-6156 (2019).
50. | link | Kassandra A. Knapper, Feng Pan, Morgan T. Rea, Erik H. Horak, Jeremy D. Rogers, and Randall H. Goldsmith, "Single-particle photothermal imaging via inverted excitation through high-Q all-glass toroidal microresonators," Opt. Express, 26 (2018).
49. | link | Ryan C. Niemeier, Sevde Etoz, Daniel A. Gil, Melissa C. Skala, Christopher L. Brace, and Jeremy D. Rogers, "Quantifying optical properties with visible and near-infrared optical coherence tomography to visualize esophageal microwave ablation zones," Biomed. Opt. Express 9, 1648-1663 (2018).
48. | link | Z. J. Simmons, J. D. Rogers, "Microscope objective based 4π spectroscopic tissue scattering goniometry," Biomed. Opt. Express 8, 3828-3841 (2017).
47. | link | Joel Kaluzny, Patryk Purta, Zach Poskin, Jeremy D. Rogers, Amani A. Fawzi, "Ex Vivo Confocal Spectroscopy of Autofluorescence in Age-Related Macular Degeneration," PLoS ONE, 11(9), Sept. 15 (2016).
46. | link | Trillian Gregg, Chetan Poudel, Brian A. Schmidt, Rashpal S. Dhillon, Sophia M. Sdao, Nathan A. Truchan, Emma L. Baar, Luis A. Fernandez, John M. Denu, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Jeremy D. Rogers, Michelle E. Kimple, Dudley W. Lamming, Matthew J. Merrins, "Pancreatic β cells from Mice Offset Age-Associated Mitochondrial Deficiency with Reduced KATP Channel Activity," Diabetes, June (2016).
45. | link | Swain TD, DuBois E, Gomes A, Stoyneva VP, Radosevich AJ, Henss J, Wagner ME, Derbas J, Grooms HW, Velazquez EM, Traub J, Kennedy BJ, Grigorescu AA, Westneat MW, Sanborn K, Levine S, Schick M, Parsons G, Biggs BC, Rogers JD, Backman V, Marcelino LA, "Skeletal light-scattering accelerates bleaching response in reef-building corals," BMC ecology 16.1 (2016).
44. | link | Yuming Liu, Steven L. Jacques, Mehdi Azimipour, Jeremy D. Rogers, Ramin Pashaie, and Kevin W. Eliceiri, "OptogenSIM: a 3D Monte Carlo simulation platform for light delivery design in optogenetics," Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 4859-4870 (2015).
43. | link | Andrew J Radosevich, Nikhil N Mutyal, Adam Eshein, Bradley Gould, Jeremy D Rogers, Michael J Goldberg, Laura K Bianchi, Eugene Yen, Vani JA Konda, Douglas K Rex, Jacques Van Dam, Vadim Backman, Hemant K Roy, "Rectal Optical Markers for In-vivo Risk Stratification of Premalignant Colorectal Lesions." Clinical Cancer Research (2015).
42. | link | Nikhil N Mutyal, Andrew J Radosevich, Shailesh Bajaj, Vani Konda, Uzma D Siddiqui, Irving Waxman, Michael J Goldberg, Jeremy D Rogers, Bradley Gould, Adam Eshein, Sudeep Upadhye, Ann Koons, Mariano Gonzalez-Haba Ruiz, Hemant K Roy, Vadim Backman, "In Vivo Risk Analysis of Pancreatic Cancer Through Optical Characterization of Duodenal Mucosa." Pancreas 44(5), 735-741 (2015).
41. | link | Andrew J. Radosevich, Nikhil N. Mutyal, Jeremy D. Rogers, Bradley Gould, Thomas A. Hensing, Daniel Ray, Vadim Backman, Hemant K. Roy, "Buccal Spectral Markers for Lung Cancer Risk Stratification." PLoS ONE 9(10): e110157 (2014). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110157
40. | link | Rogers, J.D.; Radosevich, A.J.; Ji Yi; Backman, V., "Modeling Light Scattering in Tissue as Continuous Random Media Using a Versatile Refractive Index Correlation Function," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of , vol.20, no.2, pp.173,186, March-April 2014 doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2013.2280999 (invited)
39. | link | Andrew J. Radosevich, Nikhil N. Mutyal, Ji Yi, Yolanda Stypula-Cyrus, Jeremy D. Rogers, Michael J. Goldberg, Laura K. Bianchi, Shailesh Bajaj, Hemant K.Roy, and Vadim Backman, "Ultra-structural alterations in field carcinogenesis measured by enhanced backscattering spectroscopy," JBO 0001;18(9):097002-097002. doi:10.1117/1.JBO.18.9.097002.
38. | link | Sarah Ruderman, Scott Mueller, Andrew Gomes, Jeremy Rogers, and Vadim Backman, "Method of detecting tissue contact for fiber-optic probes to automate data acquisition without hardware modification," Biomedical Optics Express 4 pp. 1401-1412 (2013).
37. | link | L. Cherkezyan, I. Capoglu, H. Subramanian, J. D. Rogers, D. Damania, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Interferometric Spectroscopy of Scattered Light Can Quantify the Statistics of Subdiffractional Refractive-Index Fluctuations," PRL 111 033903 (2013).
36. |link | Marcelino LA, Westneat MW, Stoyneva V, Henss J, Rogers JD, Radosevich A, Turzhitsky V, Siple M, Fang A, Swain TD, Fung J, Backman V, "Modulation of Light-Enhancement to Symbiotic Algae by Light-Scattering in Corals and Evolutionary Trends in Bleaching." PLoS ONE 8(4) e61492 (2013).
35. |link | J. Yi, A. Radosevich, J. Rogers, S. Norris, I. Çapoğlu, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Can OCT be sensitive to nanoscale structural alterations in biological tissue?," Opt. Express 21, 9043-9059 (2013).
34. |link | A. Radosevich, J. Yi, J. Rogers, and V. Backman, "Structural length-scale sensitivities of reflectance measurements in continuous random media under the Born approximation," Opt. Lett. 37, 5220-5222 (2012).
33. |link | Radosevich AJ, Rogers JD, Çapoğlu İR, Mutyal NN, Pradhan P, Backman V; Open source software for electric field monte carlo simulation of coherent backscattering in biological media containing birefringence. J. Biomed. Opt. 0001;17(11):115001-115001 (2012).
32. | link | Nikhil N. Mutyal, Andrew Radosevich, Bradley Gould, Jeremy D. Rogers, Andrew Gomes, Vladimir Turzhitsky, and Vadim Backman, "A fiber optic probe design to measure depth- limited optical properties in-vivo with Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering (LEBS) Spectroscopy," Opt. Express, 20 19643-19657 (2012).
31. | link | I. R. Capoglu, J.D. Rogers, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "The Microscope in a Computer: Image Synthesis from Three-Dimensional Full-Vector Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations at the Nanometer Scale," Progress in Optics, Chapter 1, Vol. 57, July (2012).
30. | link | A.R. Radosevich, J.D. Rogers, V. Turzhitsky, N. N. Mutyal, J. Yi, H. Roy, and V. Backman, "Polarized Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy for Characterization of Biological Tissues at Subdiffusion Length-scales," IEEE JSTQE, 18 Jul-Aug (2012).
29. | link | L. Cherkezyan, H. Subramanian, V. Stoyneva, J. Rogers, S. Yang, D. Damania, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Targeted alteration of real and imaginary refractive index of biological cells by histological staining," Opt. Lett., 37 1601-1603 (2012).
28. | link | Samantha Dale Strasser, Gajendra Shekhawat, Jeremy D. Rogers, Vinayak P. Dravid, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Near-field penetrating optical microscopy: a live cell nanoscale refractive index measurement technique for quantification of internal macromolecular density," Opt. Lett., 37 506-508 (2012).
27. | link | A.R. Radosevich, N. N. Mutyal, V. Turzhitsky, J.D. Rogers, J. Yi, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Measurement of the spatial backscattering impulse-response at short length-scales with polarized enhanced backscattering (EBS)," Opt. Lett., 36 4737-4739 (2011).
26. | link | J.D. Rogers, V. Stoyneva, V. Turzhitsky, N. N. Mutyal, P. Pradhan, I. R. Capoglu, and V. Backman, "Alternate formulation of enhanced backscattering as phase conjugation and diffraction: derivation and experimental observation," Opt. Express, 19 11922-11931 (2011).
25. | link | V. Turzhitsky, A. J. Radosevich, N. N. Mutyal, J. D. Rogers, and V. Backman, "Measurement of Optical Scattering Properties with Low-Coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy," J. Biomed. Opt. 16, 067007 (2011).
24. | link | I. R. Capoglu, C. A. White, J. D. Rogers, H. Subramanian, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Numerical simulation of partially-coherent broadband optical imaging using the finite-difference time-domain method," Opt. Lett., 36, 1596-1598 (2011).
23. | link | Andrew J. Radosevich, Vladimir M. Turzhitsky, Nikhil N. Mutyal, Jeremy D. Rogers, Valentina Stoyneva, Ashish Kumar Tiwari, Mart De La Cruz, Dhananjay P. Kunte, Ramesh K. Wali, Hemant K. Roy, and Vadim Backman, "Depth-resolved measurement of mucosal microvascular blood content using low-coherence enhanced backscattering spectroscopy," Biomed. Opt. Express 1, 1196-1208 (2010).
22. | link | Hemant K. Roy, Hariharan Subramanian, Dhwanil Damania, Thomas A. Hensing, William N. Rom, Harvey I. Pass, Daniel Ray, Jeremy D. Rogers, Andrej Bogojevic, Maitri Shah, Tomasz Kuzniar, Prabhakar Pradhan, and Vadim Backman, "Optical Detection of Buccal Epithelial Nanoarchitectural Alterations in Patients Harboring Lung Cancer: Implications for Screening," Cancer Res 70; 7748 Oct. (2010).
21. | link | Vladimir Turzhitsky, Andrew Radosevich, Jeremy D. Rogers, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, "A predictive model of backscattering at subdiffusion length scales," Biomed. Opt. Express 1, 1034-1046 (2010).
20. | link | Sarah Ruderman, Andrew J. Gomes, Valentina Stoyneva, Jeremy D. Rogers, Angela J. Fought, Borko D. Jovanovic, and Vadim Backman, "Analysis of pressure, angle and temporal effects on tissue optical properties from polarization-gated spectroscopic probe measurements," Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 489-499 Sept. (2010).
19. | link | Hemant K. Roy, Andrew J. Gomes, Sarah Ruderman, Laura K. Bianchi, Michael J. Goldberg, Valentina Stoyneva, Jeremy D. Rogers, Vladimir Turzhitsky, Young Kim, Eugene Yen, Mohammed Jameel, Andrej Bogojevic, and Vadim Backman,"Optical Measurement of Rectal Microvasculature as an Adjunct to Flexible Sigmoidosocopy: Gender-Specific Implications," Cancer Prev Res 3:844-851 July (2010).
18. | link | Turzhitsky, V.; Rogers, J. D.; Mutyal, N. N.; Roy, H. K.; Backman, V.; "Characterization of Light Transport in Scattering Media at Subdiffusion Length Scales with Low-Coherence Enhanced Backscattering, "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", vol.16, no.3, 619-626, May-June (2010).
17. | link | J.D. Rogers, N.N. Perreault, T.D. Niederberger, C. Lichten, L.G. Whyte, J.L. Nadeau, "A life detection problem in a High Arctic microbial community," Planetary and Space Science, 58(4), 623-630 (2010).
16. | link | İlker R. Çapoğlu, Jeremy D. Rogers, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, "Accuracy of the Born approximation in calculating the scattering coefficient of biological continuous random media," Opt. Lett. 34, 2679-2681 (2009).
15. | link | Jeremy D. Rogers, İlker R. Çapoğlu, and Vadim Backman, "Nonscalar elastic light scattering from continuous random media in the Born approximation," Opt. Lett. 34, 1891-1893 (2009). erratum
14. | link | Roy HK, Turzhitsky V, Kim Y, Goldberg MJ, Watson P, Rogers JD, Gomes AJ, Kromine A, Brand RE, Jameel M, Bogovejic A, Pradhan P, Backman V., "Association between rectal optical signatures and colonic neoplasia: potential applications for screening," Cancer Res. 69(10), 4476-83 (2009).
13. | link | Gomes AJ, Roy HK, Turzhitsky V, Kim Y, Rogers JD, Ruderman S, Stoyneva V, Goldberg MJ, Bianchi LK, Yen E, Kromine A, Jameel M, Backman V., "Rectal mucosal microvascular blood supply increase is associated with colonic neoplasia," Clin. Cancer Res. 15(9), 3110-7 (2009).
12. | link | Hariharan Subramanian, Prabhakar Pradhan, Yang Liu, Ilker R. Capoglu, Jeremy D. Rogers, Hemant K. Roy, Randall E. Brand, and Vadim Backman, "Partial-wave microscopic spectroscopy detects subwavelength refractive index fluctuations: an application to cancer diagnosis," Opt. Lett. 34, 518-520 (2009).
11. | link | Hariharan Subramanian, Prabhakar Pradhan, Yang Liu, Ilker R. Capoglu, Xu Li, Jeremy D. Rogers, Alexander Heifetz, Dhananjay Kunte, Hemant K. Roy, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, "Optical methodology for detecting histologically unapparent nanoscale consequences of genetic alterations in biological cells." PNAS, 105:20118-20123 (2008).
10. | link | Vladimir M. Turzhitsky, Andrew J. Gomes, Young L. Kim, Yang Liu, Alexey Kromine, Jeremy D. Rogers, Mohammed Jameel, Hemant K. Roy, and Vadim Backman, "Measuring mucosal blood supply in vivo with a polarization-gating probe," Appl. Opt. 47, 6046-6057 (2008).
9. | link | H. K. Roy, A. Gomes, V. Turzhitsky, M. J. Goldberg, J. Rogers, S. Ruderman, Y. L. Kim, A. Kromine, R. E. Brand, M. Jameel, N. Hasabou, V. Backman, "Spectroscopic Microvascular Blood Detection from the Endoscopically Normal Colonic Mucosa: Biomarker for Neoplasia Risk", Gastroenterology, 135(4), 1069-1078 (2008).
8. | link | Jeremy D. Rogers, Sara Landau, Tomasz S. Tkaczyk, Michael R. Descour, Mohammed S. Rahman, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Ari H. O. Karkainen, and Todd Christenson, "Imaging performance of a miniature integrated microendoscope." J. Biomed. Opt. 13, 054020 (2008), DOI:10.1117/1.2978060
7. | link | J. D. Rogers, T. S. Tkaczyk, M. R. Descour, A. H. O. Kärkkäinen, R. Richards-Kortum, “Removal of ghost images by using tilted element optical systems with polynomial surfaces for aberration compensation.” Opt. Lett. 31, 504-506 (2006).
6. | link | T. S. Tkaczyk, M. Rahman, V. Mack, K. Sokolov, J. D. Rogers, R. Richards-Kortum, and M. R. Descour, “High resolution, molecular-specific, reflectance imaging in optically dense tissue phantoms with structured-illumination.” Optics Express, (12), 3745-+, (2004).
5. | link | J. D. Rogers, A. H. O. Kärkkäinen, T. Tkaczyk, J. T. Rantala, M. Descour, “Realization of refractive microoptics through grayscale lithographic patterning of photosensitive hybrid glass.” Optics Express, (2004).
4. | link | J. Lee, J. D. Rogers, M. R. Descour, E. Hsu, J. S. Aaron, K. Sokolov, R. R. Richards-Kortum, “Imaging quality assessment of multi-modal miniature microscope.” Optics Express, (11) 1436-+ (2003).
3. | link | A. H. O. Karkkainen, J. M. Tamkin, J. D. Rogers, D. R. Neal, O. E. Hormi, G. E. Jabbour, J. T. Rantala, M. R. Descour, “Direct photolithographic deforming of organomodified siloxane films for micro-optics fabrication.” Applied Optics, (41) 3988-3998 (2002).
2. | link | M. R. Descour, A. H. O. Karkkainen, J. D. Rogers, C. Liang, R. S. Weinstein, J. T. Rantala, B. Kilic, E. Madenci, R. R. Richards-Kortum, E. V. Anslyn, R. D. Dupuis, R. J. Schul, C. G. Willison, C. P. Tigges, “Toward the development of miniaturized imaging systems for detection of pre-cancer.” Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, (38):2 122-130 (2002).
1. | link | R. Pastel, A. Struthers, R. Ringle, J. Rogers, C. Rohde, P. Geiser, “Laser trapping of microscopic particles for undergraduate experiments.” American Journal of Physics, (68) 993-1001 (2000).
Conference Presentations
J. D. Rogers, Z.J. Simmons, "Measurement of optical scattering properties of retinal layers," ARVO, 2019.
J. D. Rogers, J.T. Postlewaite, Z.J. Simmons, Scattered light contrast microscopy: turning diffusely scattered light into contrast for imaging," Novel Techniques in Microscopy, OSA, 2019 (Invited).
J. D. Rogers, "Scattered light contrast microscopy for reflectance imaging of thick tissue," SPIE Photonics West, 2019 (Invited).
ZJ Simmons, J Rogers, "Spatially resolved spectral 4pi optical scattering goniometry and experimental refractive index autocorrelations," SPIE Photonics West, 2019
R NIEMEIER, JD ROGERS, Low-cost Reflective Hilger-Chance Refractometer used to determine Sellmeier coefficients of bulk PDMS." SPIE Photonics West, 2019.
J. D. Rogers, "Lens-free common path OCT probe for quantification of optical scattering properties," BIOS, SPIE Photonics West, 2018.
J. D. Rogers, "Spatial and spectral mapping of optical scattering phase function, p(theta, phi; x, y, lambda), from layered tissues," BIOS, SPIE Photonics West, 2018.
J. D. Rogers, "Development of a computational model of light propagation and scattering in the retina to model nonconfocal image contrast," Imaging in the Eye, ARVO, May 6, 2017.
J. D. Rogers, "Tissue goniometery using microscope objective pupil planes to measure scattering over 4 pi steradians," Novel Techniques in Microscopy, OSA, April 5, 2017.
J. D. Rogers, "Recovering refractive index correlation function from measurement of tissue scattering phase function." BIOS, SPIE Photonics West 2016 (Invited).
J. D. Rogers, "Fractal phantom design for mimicking spectral and spatial scattering in tissue." BIOS, SPIE Photonics West 2015.
J. D. Rogers, "Intracellular scattering metrology with spectral microscopy." Gordon Research Conference: Lasers in biology and Medicine July 2012. (Invited)
J. D. Rogers, Nikhil Mutyal, Andrew Radosevich, Vladimir Turzhitsky, Hemant Roy, and Vadim Backman, "Biomedical Applications of Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy." CLEO May 2011. (Invited)
Jeremy D. Rogers, Andrew Radosevich, Ilker R. Capoglu, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, "Methods and models for simulating light propagation and scattering in biological media." URSI Boulder 2011. (Invited)
J.D. Rogers and Vadim Backman, "Scattering from Mass Fractals: Modeling and Observation," SPIE Photonics West 2011 (Invited)
Jeremy D. Rogers, Ilker R. Capoglu, Valentina Stoyneva, Vladimir M. Turzhitsky, Vadim Backman, "Modeling spectral dependence of reduced scattering coefficient for continuous random media with the Born Approximation." Poster BSuD53, OSA BioMed Topical Meeting, April, 2010.
J. D. Rogers, T. S. Tkaczyk, M. R. Descour, “Foveated endoscope objective design to combine high resolution with wide field of view.” [7558-07] BIOS, SPIE Photonics West, January, 2010.
J. D. Rogers, V. Stoyneva, N. N. Mutyal, V. M. Turzhitsky, V. Backman, “Lensless LEBS: a simplified geometry for low-coherence enhanced backscattering (LEBS).” [7561-28] BIOS, SPIE Photonics West, January, 2010.
J. D. Rogers, V. Turzhitsky, H. Subramanian, I. R. Capoglu, V. Backman, “Enhanced Backscattering Simulation using Monte Carlo to Simulate Short-range Light Transport in Weakly Scattering Media.” URSI, Boulder, 2010.
J. D. Rogers, H. Subramanian, V. Turzhitsky, V. Backman, "Relationship of Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy measurements to optical properties of scattering media." BIOS, SPIE Photonics West, January, 2009. (Invited)
J. D. Rogers, H. Subramanian, V. Turzhitsky, P. Pradhan, Y. L. Kim, A. Taflove, and V. Backman, "Enhanced Backscattering for Tissue Characterization and Diagnosis." APS/URSI, San Diego, 2008. (Invited)
Jeremy D. Rogers, Vladimir M. Turzhitsky, Nikhil N. Mutyal, Andrew Gomes, Alexey Kromin, Vadim Backman, "An Endoscope Compatible Low‐Coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy Probe for Cancer Screening." Poster BTuF10, OSA BioMed Topical Meeting, March, 2008.
J. D. Rogers, T. S. Tkaczyk, M. S. Rahman, R. R. Richards-Kortum, T. C. Christenson, M. R. Descour, “Integrated miniature microscope with structured illumination for in vivo microscopy.” Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside at the National Institutes of Health, (2006).
J. D. Rogers, T. S. Tkazcyk, M. R. Descour, A. H. O. Kärkkäinen, M. S. Rahman and R. Richards-Kortum, “Imaging with a miniature microscope constructed from grayscale lithographically patterned refractive microlenses.” OSA Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics and Micro Optics (2004).
J. D. Rogers, J. Lee, A. H. O. Kärkkäinen, T. Tkaczyk, M. R. Descour, “Gray-scale lithographic fabrication of optomechanical features using hybrid sol-gel glass for precision assembly of miniature imaging systems.” SPIE Annual Meeting: Gradient Index, Miniature, and Diffractive Optical Systems III. Proceedings of SPIE 5177 (2003).
J. D. Rogers, T. Tkazcyk, M. R. Descour, T. R. Christenson, “Characterization and testing of a MEMS scanning grating for structured illumination in a miniature microscope.” FIO and Laser Science, OSA Anual Meeting, Oct. 5-9, 2003.
J. D. Rogers, C. Liang, A. H. Kärkkäinen, M. R. Descour, “Fabrication and assembly of microoptical imaging systems.” Photonics West, SPIE, (2002).
J. D. Rogers, M. R. Descour, A. H. O. Kärkkäinen, R. J. Shul, C. G. Willison, C. P. Tigges, “Fabrication and assembly of miniature imaging systems using lithographically patterned microoptics and silicon microstructures.” OSA Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics and Micro Optics (2002).
J. D. Rogers, C. Ftaclas, “Coronagraphs for Small Telescopes.” American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 194 (1999).
US Patent 10,229,310 High throughput partial wave spectroscopic microscopy and associated systems and methods
US Patent 9,830,501 High Throughput Partial Wave Spectroscopic Microscopy and Associated Systems and Methods.
US Patent 9,885,834 Probe Apparatus for Recognizing Abnormal Tissue.
Canada Patent 2,651,799 Systems, Methods, and Apparatuses of Low-Coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy.
US Patent 7,652,772 Systems, Methods, and Apparatuses of Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy.
US Patent 8,131,348 Systems, Methods, and Apparatuses of Elastic Light Scattering Spectroscopy and Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy.
(pending) US Application 20140036271 Probe apparatus for measuring depth-limited properties with low-coherence enhanced backscattering
(pending) US Application 20090203977 Method of Screening for Cancer Using Parameters Obtained by the Detection of Early Increase in Microvascular Blood Content
Book Chapters
Advances in FDTD Computational Electrodynamics: Photonics and Nanotechnology, Chapter 14, "Computational Optical Imaging Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method," Ilker R. Capoglu, Jeremy D. Rogers, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, ed. A. Taflove, A. Oskooi, and S. G. Johnson, Artech House, (2013).
Advances in FDTD Computational Electrodynamics: Photonics and Nanotechnology, Chapter 16, "FDTD and PSTD Applications in Biophotonics," Ilker R. Capoglu, Jeremy D. Rogers, César Méndez Ruiz, Jamesina J. Simpson, Snow H. Tseng, Kun Chen, Ming Ding, Allen Taflove, and Vadim Backman, ed. A. Taflove, A. Oskooi, and S. G. Johnson, Artech House, (2013).
Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering, Chapter 2, "Light Scattering from Continuous Random Media," İlker R. Çapoğlu, Jeremy D. Rogers, and Vadim Backman, ed. A. Wax, V. Backman, McGraw Hill, (2009).
Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering, Chapter 14, "Enhanced Backscattering and Low-Coherence Enhanced Backscattering Spectroscopy," J. D. Rogers, Vladimir Turzhitsky, Young. Kim, Vadim Backman, ed. A. Wax, V. Backman, McGraw Hill, (2009).